[Explained] What Is SDLC? Understanding the Software Development Life Cycle

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What is SDLC? Understanding the Software Development Life Cycle, Phases and More!

SDLC software development and management model is a question that many software developers and engineers ask when they are first getting into software engineering and developing software systems. In this blog post, we’ll explore sdlc methodologies, what it is, and how to use it. Let’s get started!

History of the Software Development Life Cycle:

The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a form of project management used to manage software development projects. It helps create a clear plan and series of milestones that a project will follow, and also includes a process to identify and prevent potential problems. The life cycle is often used to describe the process used in the software development industry, but it also applies to other types of projects, such as software development projects at IT companies.

The SDLC was created by Winston W. Boyce as an aid to programming and how development systems should work in 1970. It was originally called the Software Engineering Life Cycle but was renamed the Software Development Life Cycle in 1985. Their proposal was created in response to an effort to create a more structured approach to managing software projects.

How the SDLC Works?

“SDLC” stands for “software development lifecycle.” It should be thought of as a planning guide for your project. The idea isn’t to control every aspect of the development process, but to create a process that defines how the work will proceed. Development teams run programs all the time, so using established SDLC processes are an effective and efficient way to create quality software.

When you start a business, you need an SDLC in place before you hire the first employee. You can define the process as simply or as in depth as you’d like. For example, you might create a list of tasks that you’ll complete. The level of detail you use depends on the size and complexity of your project.

The steps of the SDLC process include:

  1. Planning: This step starts with creating an outline for what you want to achieve. Pay attention to scope and timeline.
  2. Analysis: The second step is to analyze your needs, goals, and desired outcomes.
  3. Design: The third step is called design because you’ll plan how your product will work. This includes creating a project plan.
  4. Build: In this step, you’ll actually create the working software. This involves writing code, testing, and troubleshooting.
  5. Deploy: This is the step where you release your software to the intended audience.

The SDLC process uses various phases to ensure that the project has a clear goal. Each phase is designed to create coding standards, plus help the development team release high quality software.

There are a number of factors that can impact your project. For example, you might not have a development team in place, so you can outsource the work. The phases that are outlined in the SDLC process also need to be flexible. In other words, you need to revise your process as the project develops.

SDLC Stages and Best Practices

SDLC Process – The Seven Stages of SDLC

SDLC is a process through which software is developed. There are various models available. It is divided into seven stages, and each stage has different deliverables and responsibilities.

Each stage has specific responsibilities, deliverables, and sub-activities. The deliverables are of the following types, namely:

1. Initiation:

The initiation phase is also called the feasibility stage. In this phase, the project charter is prepared. This charter helps in defining the goals and scope of the project.

2. Analysis:

Analysis phase is also called the requirements analysis phase. In this phase, all the requirements of the system are gathered. The requirement analysis includes gathering the business requirements, system requirements, and design requirements.

3. Design:

The design phase is also called the high-level design phase. In this phase, the logic structure of the system is designed. The available logic structures are designed based on the business requirements and design requirements.

4. Coding:

Coding phase is also called the application development phase. In this phase, the application logic and design are converted into codes. The coding phase includes coding the business logic and data access code.

5. Testing:

Testing phase is also called the QA phase. In this phase, the quality of the developed system is checked. The developed system is checked for its various functional, performance, and non-functional attributes.

Planning – Requirement Extraction:

Requirement extraction is the process of a software requirements analyst gathering, analyzing, and documenting requirements.

These are critical because they establish the business need and the product capabilities. They define the product features and functions that a user, customer or stakeholder wants or needs.

It also helps in defining the product scope. The requirement analysis process identifies product requirements (functional and non-functional).

Requirements help analyze and document functional capabilities, performance and non-functional assumptions, and constraints.

Finalized Requirements – Feasibility Analysis:

Software development life cycle (SDLC) is a process followed in the development of a software product, where the product is passed through distinct phases. It also contains steps, which indicate the tasks that are performed in each stage. Moreover, it often starts with planning, and the project team must define the requirements based on which they can develop the product.

Proper planning helps in defining the scope and objectives of the project. Moreover, it also ensures that the project is completed within the given budget and time frame. The software developers must analyze the requirements to verify that they are feasible to perform. The feasibility analysis helps in validating the project requirements and determining whether the project can proceed further or not.

Design and Prototype Phase:

In the design and development phase of a project, you collect information on the needs and objectives of your end users. You develop and document the technical specifications of your product, define the project plan, and create a prototype.

During the design and development phase, you gather information and gain an understanding of the needs and objectives of your end users. You develop and document the technical specifications of the product, define the project plan, and create a prototype.

Software Development – Building and Coding Stage:

In the field of software development, there are several stages through which a program or product passes. In this stage, we write the actual code of the software keeping the requirements in mind. 

Analysis: This phase involves documenting and evaluating the software requirement and involves both customers and developers. Software requirements elicitation, analysis, and documentation are some of the major activities performed in this stage.

Design: This stage involves planning, organizing, and documenting the software. The developers create high-level design and detailed design in this stage. The detailed design is implemented once the design is stable.

Construction: The goal of this stage is to test, build, and test the software. During this stage, the developers make sure that the software is stable.

Implementation: In this stage, the software is implemented. Developers deliver the software to the client.

Testing phase:

After designs are finalized, the product starts its testing phase. Companies conduct rigorous tests to ensure that the product works as desired and meets all the requirements. A dedicated group of people may participate in the testing phase. These individuals are experts in their fields and are able to spot any faults or flaws with the product. The testers will test the product under various conditions, collect the results, and forward them to the development team.

The development team analyzes the results, identifies the errors, and fixes them. If the errors are minor, the development team may need to make a few adjustments and retest the product. If the errors are major, the development team may need to reconfigure the product completely. After the team completes the changes, it’s time for another round of testing.

Companies conduct repeated rounds of testing to ensure that the product works as desired and meets all the requirements. The testing phase takes a significant amount of time to complete. Companies usually conduct testing for months, or even years, before the development team recommends closing it.

The testing phase ensures that your product works as desired and meets all the requirements. The testing phase can take months or even years to complete. Companies usually conduct testing for months, or even years, before the development team recommends closing it.

Final Thoughts:

The Software Development Lifecycle process ensures that the final product is of high quality and meets user requirements. Integrated SDLC methodologies help reduce the risk of defects through overlapping approaches and practices. In our experience, they improve collaboration, communication, and team efficiency. There are many SDLC Case Studies available that’re designed around the same processes and strategies.