How To Get Rid Of Hollow Arrow On iPhone 15?

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Today, in this digital world, we are getting traced knowingly or mistakenly because many applications want permission for its access but some applications misuse this ability. If you have been using iOS 7.0 on your iPhone 6, you might have noticed a weird hollow arrow on the bottom right corner of your screen.

Many people are facing this problem and are spending a lot of money to get rid of it. We have discovered what causes this hollow arrow and how can you remove it from your iPhone.

If you are facing this problem and want to get rid of this then, you are at the right place. Because, in this article, we will tell you how to resolve the hallow arrow on your iPhone.

What is Hollow Arrow?

A hollow arrow is an icon that detects that the user has traveled beyond this fence. It sends the user a notification reminding them that they have exceeded the boundaries of the geofence. For example, if you are within 100 meters of your home, you will receive a notification when you leave your home. This smart feature allows you to control when and where you receive messages.

It’s convenient because you don’t have to manually check your phone to see if you received a text message or email, it does this automatically for you. In the past, geofencing was only used for security purposes but now some apps and games use geofencing to help users accomplish their tasks.

How to get rid of Hollow Arrow?

If you want to get rid of a hollow arrow on your iPhone, you may either disable location services or turn off the status bar icon. However, the problem with these two solutions is that they both require your iPhone to be connected to the internet. If not then, you won’t be able to access your phone’s information because it is a feature of iOS.

By disabling Location Services:

Following are the steps to remove the hollow arrow by disabling the location services:

  1. Go to ‘Settings’
  2. Tap on the ‘Privacy Option’
  3. Then, tap on the ‘Location Services’ option
  4. Turn off the Location Services, it will remove the hollow arrow

By turning off the Status Bar icon:

It is the most effective method because it stops appearing the location icon on the status bar.

  1. Go to ‘Settings’
  2. Tap on the ‘Privacy’ option
  3. Tap on the ‘Location Services’ option
  4. Now, select the ‘System Services’ option
  5. Go to the ‘Status Bar’ icon and then switch off the button

How to get rid of Hollow Arrow on iOS 15?

Follow the below steps and ensure that all the application options are on while using your settings:

  1. Go to ‘Settings’ on your iOS device
  2. Then, to the ‘Privacy’ option
  3. Now, tap on the ‘Location Services’ option
  4. Next, tap on the ‘System Services’ option
  5. Lastly, turn the toggle off for the ‘Status Bar’

How to get rid of Location icons on your iPhone?

Location icons are very helpful because they show where the user is and keeps you in contact with them. When you use an application like maps or GPS navigation, you will notice that there is a little arrow on your device.

Sometimes, this arrow is blue and sometimes it is red but when you click on the arrow, it asks whether you are happy with the app or not to access the location. If you agree, the arrow disappears and the application gets access to your location.

If you are having a problem with this arrow then the following are the steps that you can follow to get rid of this.

  1. Go to ‘Settings’
  2. Tap on the ‘Privacy’ option
  3. Turn off the ‘Status Bar’ icon to inactivate it

How to turn off the Location Services on your iPhone?

Location services give information about your current location using GPS, and mobile phone location. You can turn it off by following the succeeding steps:

  1. Go to ‘Settings’
  2. Tap on the ‘Privacy’ option
  3. Then, tap on the ‘Location Services’ option
  4. For the Location Services option, turn off the toggle

How can you remove the Blank Arrow on your iPhone?

Many iPhone users find the blank arrow on their phones quite annoying because it looks ugly and they don’t like it. If you want to get rid of the black arrow on your iPhone, you need to delete the apps that are currently on your iPhone.

You can do this by using the “Apps” icon on your iPhone’s home screen by the following steps:

  1. Go to the ‘Applications’, look for any of the apps that you don’t want anymore
  2. You can either drag the app to the trash or hit the ‘Delete’ button
  3. ‘Delete’ the apps that you don’t anymore from your iPhone and then reboot it
  4. Your black arrow will disappear and your iPhone will have fewer apps

How to remove the Floating Gray box on iPhone?

  1. Go to the ‘Settings’ icon
  2. Select ‘Accessibility’
  3. Tap on the ‘Touch’ option
  4. Now, tap on the ‘Assistive Touch’ option
  5. To turn off the Assistive Touch option, toggle off the slider

How to get rid of the Transparent Rectangle on your iPhone?

The transparent rectangle might appear in two ways, first when you turn on the zoom feature and second when you double tap the screen of your phone with your three fingers.

You can follow the below steps if you are interested that how to get rid of it:

  1. Go to ‘Settings’ on your iPhone
  2. Tap on the ‘Accessibility’
  3. Then, select the ‘Zoom’ option
  4. There will be a button next to Zoom, toggle the button off to turn off the transparent rectangle

Final words:

A hollow arrow is a name given to an app icon that appears hollow and looks like it has been cut out. Hollow arrows are a common issue for many people with iPhones and iPads. While they can be easy to miss, they can be quite annoying and impact your camera.

This can be because your app icon is too large or too small or there might be something wrong with the way your app icon is displayed. The first step in fixing this problem is to ensure that you are using the correct app icon size for your app.

In this blog, we disclosed to you how to easily fix the hollow arrow problem by using different ways. All the methods mentioned above are simple but it takes time and patience to get rid of the arrow. It is not easy to see a hollow arrow but when you do so, it’s worth it to get rid of it.