How To Download OnlyFans Videos on iPhone in 2023?

You are currently viewing How To Download OnlyFans Videos on iPhone in 2023?

Different ways can help you to download Onlyfans videos on your iPhone effortlessly. To make a quick Onlyfans download, carefully read this post till the end.

OnlyFans is a Social Media Platform similar to YouTube where you can share your talent with the audience in an easy way. The only drawback is that it requires you to pay some amount in order to visit specific accounts on this app.

Apart from this, OnlyFans also provides a great way to earn money through pictures and videos. If you are using OnlyFans, then you may know how it helps users to earn money through videos and photos.

And if you’re new to it and don’t know how to download OnlyFans video on your iPhone, then this post is perfect for you.

How to download OnlyFans videos on your iPhone?

There are several methods are available online that can help you to save videos from this application. The simplest way is to use the already-built screen-recording feature on your iPhone to download OnlyFans videos. To perform the downloading process, follow the below instructions:

  1. Open OnlyFans on your iPhone.
  2. Open the video you want to download.
  3. Find and tap on the “Record” icon in the menu.
  4. Play the videos and record them as per your need.
  5. Again click on the record icon to save the recording.

Why do OnlyFans videos not work on iPhones?

There are several reasons, but some of them which we know are:

Browser connection issue

It is a common issue that users mostly faced when they try to save OnlyFans videos on their iPhones.

Cache clearance problems

It could also be the reason that does not let users download OnlyFans on their iPhone.

Location issue

You might use the website in a specific location where it is not easily accessible.

FAQs about downloading OnlyFans Videos on iPhone

How do I save a Video on OnlyFans?

To learn how you can download a video on your iPhone, follow the steps below.

  1. Sign up from the login page of OnlyFans.
  2. Then click on the post you want to save.
  3. There are 3 dotted icons on the post, click on them.
  4. To save it click on the save option there.

Is it possible to take screenshots OnlyFans?

Yes, you can screenshot various content on OnlyFans without any hassle.  According to their policy, when you paid for the content then you can have it in every possible way, including screenshots and much more.

Can you Download Content from OnlyFans?

You can easily download any content from this incredible social media platform. But to do this, first, you have to create an account, and Sign up from the login page of OnlyFans.

Once you have done with the signup process and logged into the app, then follow the below easy steps in order to download OnlyFans videos on your iPhone.

Does OnlyFans know if you Download Videos?

No, the application of OnlyFans does not inform any user and the account holders if their videos are saved.

Downloading the videos in any way including the screen recording is not informed.

Does OnlyFans have an App for iPhone?

There is an OnlyFans TV application that you can have on your iPhone if you are looking to enjoy entertainment on your phone.

The main difference between the iPhone and the desktop version is that on a smartphone, the platform doesn’t show any explicit content as it shows on the website.

To download the application on your smartphone, follow the steps below.

  1. On your iPhone device open the App store and then search for the OFTV App.
  2. To download it click on the GET option there

Which is the best OnlyFans Video Downloader for iOS?

Several methods are available to download the app iOS but the one which is used frequently is the option of video downloading apps.

Video Saver Pro + Cloud Drive app is the one that you can use to download OnlyFans Videos on your iPhone.

  1. Open the App Store on your iPhone
  2. Then search the Video Saver PRO + Cloud Drive app.
  3. Click on the GET option to download it on your iPhone.

How Do I get OnlyFans Notification on my iPhone?

To turn on the notification for the application of OnlyFans, implement the steps below.

Note: To get the notifications, then the app must be downloaded to your phone.

  1. Firstly, open the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Then click on the option of Notification.
  3. In the last, click on the OnlyFans application and then turn on the notifications toggle for it.


In this article, we explained to you how you can download OnlyFans videos on your iPhone also how you can turn on the notification for your app. We hope that this post will help you download the OnlyFans videos on your iPhone in an easy way.