Do Draft WordPress Posts Unpublished Affect Your SEO?

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Do Draft WordPress Posts Unpublished Affect Your SEO?

This is a question that many bloggers and small business owners have when they are concerned about search engine optimization. In this blog post, we’ll take an in-depth look at SEO and explore Do draft WordPress posts unpublished affect your seo? Keep reading to learn more!

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the practice of improving the ranking of a website on search engines. The higher the ranking, the more likely people are to find the website. This is an important consideration for bloggers and small business owners, as they want their website to be found by as many people as possible.

One question that often comes up is whether draft WordPress posts unpublished affect your SEO. The answer is a little complicated. In general, having unpublished posts in WordPress Draft does not have a significant impact on website’s SEO. However, there are a few things to keep in mind.

  1. First, it’s important to make sure that your website is properly optimized. This means making sure that your website is correctly coded and that the titles and descriptions of your pages are optimized. It’s also important to make sure that your website is linked to from other websites.
  2. Second, it’s important to make sure that your unpublished posts are actually unpublished. Google can tell when a post has been published, even if it’s not on the front page of the website. If you have a post that you’re considering publishing, make sure to check the settings to make sure that it’s not published and comes under the draft section inside WordPress dashboard.
  3. Third, make sure that your website is updated regularly. Google likes websites that are updated frequently, and unpublished posts will not help your ranking. Generally speaking, drafted or unpublished posts do not have a significant impact on SEO. However, it’s important to make sure that your website is properly optimized and that you are updating your website regularly.

Why Unpublished drafts Posts don’t affect your SEO?

You can draft or unpublished pages on your website in order to use them as templates for later. But these unpublished pages will not affect your SEO because Google does not index unpublished pages.

Many bloggers publish pages that are filled with high quality and answer users query for better rankings. WordPress offers them a feature named “draft” so that they can save their work and publish it later once it is ready for public and search engine bots. For example, they might publish a long list of articles that they are planning to publish in the future. Or they might publish private pages like drafts and categories that they don’t want others to see. Moreover, these unpublished pages do not show up in search results and aren’t indexed by search engines like Google.

Drafts are a great way to plan and organize your content:

When you create content for your website, you should always be thinking of your readers. You want to make sure that the content you create is valuable for them. Following that logic, one of the best ways to plan your content before you create it is to use a draft.

A draft is like a plan for your website. It will allow you to plan what content you need to create, and it will also allow you to organize it in a way that makes sense. If you plan ahead, you can make sure that your content is organized, and it is also easy to read and interesting for your readers.

You can still rank high in search engines with unpublished drafts.

If you write your blog posts in WordPress, you may be concerned about whether you can save the drafts and still rank high in the search engines. The good news is that you can still rank well with draft posts.

Usually, the search engines will not index the posts that have any draft version, and you will not get any organic traffic from them. However, once you publish the post, search engines will detect the changes, and index the post. Therefore, it should be good to write your posts first and then publish them, after checking its quality.

You can always publish your drafts later:

Publishing your drafts to your WordPress website is an essential part of the blogging process. Unfortunately, when WordPress saves your drafts, it saves them with their title, date, and an option to post immediately. This can negatively affect your SEO strategy, since search engines think that your draft has been published.

Save Draft
Unpublished WordPress posts and SEO Settings


However, you can change that setting easily by clicking on “Status” symbol and hit “Save Draft” button. That’s all you need to do to send your blog post into draft section instead of the published ones.

Final Thoughts on Unpublished WordPress posts and SEO:

In conclusion, do draft WordPress posts unpublished affect your seo? The answer is no. However, there are many other factors that can impact the success of your SEO efforts that we have discussed in this article. Moreover, your page is boring and cluttered then it is a better option to get it revised and publish a fresh and updated version on the web so that you can increase your rankings.